When divers experience severe pain in their ears while diving down, it may also be due to a feeling of impatience during the descent. You want to see the wonders of the sea as quickly as possible and get down there immediately. However, newly certified divers often neglect to equalize the pressure in their ears in time or they choose a method that isn’t optimal for them.
The descent into the depths of the ocean should always be done as slowly as possible, meter by meter. As soon as even a slight pressure is felt on the ears, a gentle attempt should be made to equalize the pressure. The diver should not proceed with the descent until this has been done successfully. Poor pressure equalization is not only uncomfortable, but can also lead to serious injury. If you are unsure which method and which frequency results in optimal pressure equalization for you, some experimentation is advisable. It’s also better for beginners to avoid deep dives where you have to descend more quickly. For practicing pressure equalization, relaxed and gentle descents are best at first.